Wednesday, March 20, 2013

They lie in wait...

I just wanted to level with you folks for a minute.

The success of one of my recent stories, 'Forbidden Fruit: Monster Island' took me a little by surprise.  It started out with a simple stock photo that I loved; one that nagged at the back of my head until I actually did something with it.  (There are only a handful of titles I have worked on that elicited that same kind of reaction.)  From there, the story's plot and action kind of wrote its self.  I'm really pleased to see people enjoying the title as much as I did when writing it.

So on that note: 'Forbidden Fruit 2: Monster Gangbang' will be released some time in the next few days.  Be sure to check back here early next week for updates.  Thank you again for your support of independent authors such as myself.  That support allows a growing community of artists to actually make a living from doing something that they love.  So until next time...

Stay sexy!